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[ad_1] The Ford Explorer is a popular SUV known for its versatility and rugged durability. However, like any vehicle, it is susceptible to certain types of damages, including rear window damage. Rear window damage can be a frustrating and costly problem to deal with, but there are ways to prevent it from occurring. In this article, we’ll discuss some common causes of Ford Explorer rear window damage and provide some tips on how to prevent it.

One of the most common causes of rear window damage in the Ford Explorer is road debris. Rocks, gravel, and other small objects kicked up by passing vehicles or thrown by the wheels of the Explorer itself can strike the rear window, causing chips, cracks, or even shattering. Hauling heavy loads or driving on rough roads can also increase the risk of rear window damage from road debris.

Another common cause of rear window damage is vandalism or theft. Thieves may attempt to break into the vehicle by smashing the rear window, while vandals may deliberately damage the window for no other reason than to cause trouble. The rear window is especially vulnerable when the vehicle is parked in a poorly lit or secluded area.

However, there are several steps you can take to prevent rear window damage on your Ford Explorer. First and foremost, driving cautiously and avoiding rough roads whenever possible can help reduce the risk of damage from road debris. If you do need to drive on rough terrain or haul heavy loads, consider installing a rear window deflector or guard to provide an extra layer of protection.

When parking your Ford Explorer, try to choose well-lit and populated areas to reduce the risk of vandalism or theft. If you must park in a secluded area, consider investing in a car alarm or surveillance system to deter would-be vandals and thieves. Additionally, consider installing security film on the rear window to make it more resistant to impact and shattering.

Regular maintenance of your Ford Explorer can also help prevent rear window damage. Keep the rear window clean and free of debris to reduce the risk of scratches, and inspect the window for any signs of damage on a regular basis. Repairing any chips or cracks in the rear window promptly can prevent them from spreading and causing more extensive damage.

In conclusion, rear window damage is a common problem for Ford Explorer owners, but there are steps you can take to prevent it. By driving cautiously, parking in secure areas, and performing regular maintenance on your vehicle, you can reduce the risk of rear window damage and keep your Ford Explorer looking great for years to come.